男女平等是我国的一项基本国策。它是按照马克思主义妇女观,从我国的国情出发,适应世纪之交的国际形势提出来的。它既符合我国宪法和法律的有关规定,又有利于法律认定的妇女权益的保障行动化。实现男女平等基本国策,要加强“国策” 宣传,强化“国策” 意识;要推进妇女参与经济活动,促进妇女地位明显提高;要坚持依法治国方略,维护妇女合法权益;要加强教育和培训,全面提高妇女素质。
The equality between men and women is one of our basis national policies. It is based on Marxism outlook of women, our national conditions and it suits the international condition at the turn of the century. It is compatible with the constitution and laws' stipulation and is good to the maintenance of women's rights stipu- lated in the laws. To achieve the goal, we must make known the policy, strengthen the awareness of the poli- cy, promote women's participation in economic and political activities, help enhance their social status remark- ably. We stick to managing the nation by law, protect women's lawful rights. We offer more education and training program, and enhance women's all-around qualities.
equality between men and women, basic national policy, women's issue About the Author: Li Yifang, female, teacher from Party School of Ganzhou Municipal Committee.