新世纪知识经济时代的到来 ,对成人高校师资队伍素质提出了更高的要求。新世纪成人高校教师要具有较强的政治素质和较高的责任感 ;要具有丰富的专业知识 ;要具有强烈的创新意识 ;要有较强的教学科研能力。为了达到这种要求 ,就要高定位高起点调整师资结构 ;有计划地组织教师进修提高 ;加强课堂教学和科研工作指导 ;建立健全竞争机制 ;合理拉开收入差距 ;并加强师德教育。而要做到这一些 ,就要从新的高度认识师资队伍建设 ,为师资队伍建设加大投入 ,并切实加强对师资队伍建设的领导。
With the approach of knowledge oreinted economy facult y of higher learning institutes for adults are faced with more demanding criteri a.They are supposd to have strong political qualities,higher sense of responsibi lities,abundant professional knowledge,strong drive to innovate,and the ability to teach and to research.To achieve all these we must modify the composition of the faculty,provide them with on-job training,reinforce the instruction on thei r teaching and researching,set up and better competition mechanism,practice diff erent rewards with different performance,and attach importance to the education of teachers ’ethics.Specific measures to be taken are:understand the task deeper,invest more into the construction of a faculty as such,strengten the le adership of the faculty construction.
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