建筑师斯蒂芬·布劳菲尔斯(Stephan Braunfels)设计的慕尼黑现代绘画馆,发端于清晰的概念,受控于严密的逻辑,其结果是富有感染力的精确的建筑空间。本文是作者在参观该绘画馆以后,试图通过分析捕捉到该建筑设计与形式之间的深层线索,并由分析得出形式语言背后清晰的概念,使本文获得了设计——形式的现实意义。
The precise and appealing architectual space of Modernist Pinakothek Munich,designed by Stephan Braunfels,derived from clear concepts and rigorous logic.By the author's investigations and analysis of this building,this paper caught up the fundamental clue connecting design and architectural form of the Building.It explicates the clear concepts behind the formal language and brings up the significant connection between metaphor in form and preciseness in design.
South Architecture