史书美的新书Visuality and Identity:Sinophone Articulations across the Pacific通过对美国华裔导演李安、华裔艺术家刘红、香港导演陈果和"大陆妹"、"寻根"等社会现象的分析,探讨了她所界定的Sinophone世界——生活在美国和中国之间的环太平洋的华人圈如台湾、香港和美国华人等——的身份政治。该书研究路径的关键是她进行了跨学科的话语整合,如把"后殖民主义"批判和"中国研究"整合起来、把国际民族政治和国内少数族裔政治整合起来,从而把对太平洋地区华人的离散族群的身份的思考向着中国和美国同时展开。本文循着她书中的两种整合——"后殖民主义"与"中国研究"的整合、"美国少数族裔研究"和"地区研究"的整合——对其书中两组关键词展开分析,既分析她的话语利用策略,析出其中的话语偏转,又肯定她跨界整合的视野与深度。
With case studies of Ang Lee (American film director from Taiwan),Hung Liu (American painter from China's Mainland), Fruit Chan (Hong Kong film director)and such social phenomena as 'Mainland Gal' and 'root-seeking'in her new book Visuality and Identity: Sinophone Articulations across the Pacific,Shu-Mei Shih explores how,in the age of globalization, the marginal Chinese cultural communities across the Pacific like Taiwan,Hong Kong,Chinese in South-East Asia and U.S., construct their own identity. One thing noticeable is Shih's discourse integration across several academic fields,e.g. her integrating the China Study with Post-colonialism,and integrating the national with the ethnical. She intends to push the Chinese Diasporic Study further,now in her book confronting both the Motherland and the West, for both in her eyes are essentializing the concept of 'China','Chinese'and 'Chineseness'. This paper tries to do a close reading of this book, and by means of discourse analysis (namely analyzing its discoursive linkings and turnings)probe into its four key words about the identity politics of overseas Chinese, to see how Shih integrates discourse of different academic sections against both the unifying appeal of concepts like 'China', 'Chinese' and 'Chineseness', and the degrading positioning of the U.S. WASP tradition to other peoples.
Literatures in Chinese
politics of identity, discourse,integration, overseas Chinese