

Analysis of Factors Affecting Reading Test from the Reading Process Perspective
摘要 阅读是人类获取知识、了解世界、进行沟通交流的一个重要途径,而阅读测试是检测考生阅读能力的手段。只有科学的测试方法才能检测出考生真正的阅读能力,从而有利于提高教学效果,促进教学发展。但是,在各种因素的干扰下,测试的构念效度经常会受到影响,无法测出预定要测量的事物。本文从现代语言学对阅读过程的研究出发,分析了影响阅读测试的两个重要的因素:读者变量和文本变量,并由此探讨了测试设计者在阅读测试设计中应注意的一些问题,以期提高测试的效度和信度,使测试能够科学、有效地检测出考生真正的阅读能力。 Reading is an important way for people to obtain knowledge,understand the world and communicate with each other while reading test is a method to measure the testees’ reading ability.A person’s reading ability can only be drawn out by a scientific testing method.However,the construct validity of a test is often influenced by various factors which lead to the fact that the test cannot measure the real ability.In this paper,the author reviewed the researches on the reading process and analyzed two important factors that can influence the reading test,i.e.the reader variable and the text variable. Implications to the reading test designers are also discussed.It is hoped that the testers can design a scientific and effective reading test and its validity and reliability can be improved.
作者 薛凤敏
机构地区 北京服装学院
出处 《河北工业大学成人教育学院学报》 2008年第1期18-23,共6页 Journal of Adult Education School of Hebei University of Technology
关键词 阅读过程 阅读测试 影响因素 启示 reading process reading test factors affecting reading test implications
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