

Analysis on the History and Reality of Small-scale Farming System in China
摘要 中国是世界上一个非常典型的小农制国家,几千年来都是一家一户的分散生产和经营。但进入清代中叶以后,我国人地比率已下降至"维生型小农经济"的临界点,标志着传统小农制的破产和瓦解。新中国成立以后的半个多世纪,由于长期实行以自然村落为单元"不分男女老幼、一律平分土地"的农村集体土地所有制,其所隐含的"集体成员权平等"和"产权虚置"的农地平分机制,导致明清以后出现的"地权分散化"和"耕地细碎化"的发展趋势更加凸显。当今中国农业正处于大规模非农就业、人口自然增长减慢和农业生产结构转型三大历史性变迁的交汇之中,各级政府应当抓住这样的历史性契机,加大对农业的投资和扶持,并通过法律制度和市场机制来促进土地使用权的流转和适度规模经营,从根本上解决农民的隐性失业问题和农业的低收入问题。 China is a typical country carrying out the small-scale farming system in the world,which has witnessed household-based and scattered farming and operation for thousands of years.However,in the middle Qing Dynasty,the man-land ratio kept dropping so that the traditional 'self-sufficient' small-scale farming system actually became collapsed.During the half century or more since the foundation of the People’s Republic of China,there appeared more and more prominent tendency of 'land right decentralization' and 'farmland fragmentation' which first emerged during the Ming and Qing Dynasty because after liberation Chinese government implemented collective ownership of rural lands taking natural villages as the unit,which means all the farmers share the rural lands equally and implies 'equal collective membership' and 'void property right'.Nowadays China is undergoing three great changes,that is,the large-scale nonfarm employment,the slowdown of the natural growth of population and the transformation of agricultural production structure,so the author thinks that Chinese governments at all levels should grasp this chance to strengthen the investment and support on agriculture and use legal systems and market mechanism to promote the circulation of the right of land use and optimum-scale farmland operation so as to solve the problems of the unregistered unemployment of farmers and low income in agriculture radically.
作者 张新光
出处 《安徽商贸职业技术学院学报》 2008年第1期1-5,24,共6页 Journal of Anhui Business College
基金 国家行政学院委托课题"改革和完善政府科学决策机制研究"成果之一(项目号:2007DFWT007)
关键词 小农制 维生型小农经济 人地比率 平分机制 适度规模经营 small-scale farming system self-supporting small-scale farming economy man-land ratio equal distribution mechanism optimum-scale operation
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