1[2]Berys Gaut.Theories of Art Today.(Madison:University of Wisconsin Press,2000)25页
2[4][5][13]Arthur Danto.After The End of Art:Contemporary Art and The Pale of History,(Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press.1997)3页,4页,21-41页
3[9]Victor Rivero.How Technology Enriches the Arts,American School Board Journal.June 2006.55页
4[10]Aaron Smuts,Are video games art?Contemporary Aesthetics.Volume.3.2005
5[11]Jack Kroll.Newsweek,March 6.2000
6[12]Henry Jenkins.Art Form for the Digital Age(Technology Review.September/October 2000);See also Henry Jenkins.Games,the New Lively Art,forthcoming in Jeffrey Goldstein(ed).Handbook for Video Game Studies(Cambridge:MIT Press)