A circuit is a connected nontrivial 2-regular graph. A graph G is a permutation graph over a circuit C, if G can be obtained from two copies of C by joining these two copies with a perfect matching. In this paper, based on the joint tree method introduced by Liu, the genus polynomials for a certain type of permutation graphs in orientable surfaces are given.
A circuit is a connected nontrivial 2-regular graph.A graph G is a permutation graph over a circuit C,if G can be obtained from two copies of C by joining these two copies with a perfect matching.In this paper,based on the joint tree method introduced by Liu,the genus polynomials for a certain type of permutation graphs in orientable surfaces are given.
This work was supported by Beijing Jiaotong University Fund (Grant No.2004SM054)
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.10571013)