It is not difficult to know, in a strict sense, China's“pan-sculpture” is formed in the later 1990's. Only in this time, the calm and variation of sculptor’s cultural mentality, together with the novelty and volatility of cultural forms were really constituted the corresponding relationship. Just because of come-crossing of subjectivity and objectivity, the opening sculpture could be practiced in an open culture. Since then, the creative ways and manufacturing procedure of the traditional sculpture were instead by assembly welding polymerization of the new materials and the accumulation of objects, open borders and form together with free space cleared up the solid sculpture physique and closed sculpture space ,the twinkling experiences and instant elation replaced eternal serenity and noble purity, the thinking procedure and alternative behavior of artist superseded the emotion process and creative activity, the sculpture took off its traditional meaning and some limited of their same kind, and became the“pan-sculpture”, and some even become “non-sculpture”.