
延迟满足的研究述评 被引量:5

An Overview of Researches on Delay of Gratification
摘要 近年来国内外进行了包括延迟满足的实验研究范式,延迟满足的发生、稳定性等研究。文中概述了传统的相关研究,并提出了一些值得关注的研究趋势,如与学业成绩的相关研究、跨文化研究以及延迟满足与利他行为研究等,并对该领域的未来发展作了展望。 This article reviews some major developments and findings on this topic recently,including the paradigms of experimental research in the delay of gratification,the manifestations of its early genesis and the stability.This article reviews traditional interrelated researches,pointing out some trends deserved attention,such as the correlation of academic achievement and the association of altruism behavior.A prediction of the future trends in this field is also suggested.
作者 毛俊青 孙卓
出处 《牡丹江教育学院学报》 2007年第1期85-86,共2页 Journal of Mudanjiang College of Education
关键词 延迟满足 实验研究范式 跨文化研究 delay of gratification the paradigms of experimental research cross-cultural research
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