目的 观察中西医结合治疗患儿寒性尿频的疗效.方法 寒性尿频80例患儿,按数字表法随机分成两组,两组均用谷维素5~10 mg/次,3次/d口服;对照组加用硝苯吡啶每次0.5~1.0 mg/kg,3次/d口服;654-2每次0.1~0.2 mg/kg,3次/d口服.观察组加用小茴香50 g、食盐400~500 g炒热外敷神厥穴和关元穴;两组均3 d为1个疗程.结果 两组治疗1~3个疗程及随访结果,两种治疗方法痊愈率比较差异有显著性意义(x2=10.83,P<0.001).结论 本法治疗患儿寒性尿频不仅疗效快,治愈率高,方法简便易行,无任何不良反应,药源丰富,成本低,而且克服了患儿不愿意服药的弊病.
Objective The Western medicine unites to treat needy quality of the baby boy frequent micturition curative effect in the observation.Methods All cases were in the way of the oryzanol 5-10 mg/ 3 times per day.The comparison group plused in the way of the saltpetre benzol pyridine 0.5-1.0mg/kg every time, 3 times per day profess to be convinced, 654-2 each time 0.2g/kg ,3 times per day.The observation group plused in the way of tiny aniseed 50g,salt 400-500g sauties temperature to be applied. 2 seriess all acted 3 days as one course of treatment.Results 2 seriess were treated 3 course of treatment and reched the following up by regular visits to result ,2 seriess of means the fully recovering rate from an illness comparing divergence possess the extraordinary significance sense(χ2=10.83,P<0.001).Conclusion Covering quality hypersensitivity purpura is treatd hard to this law not merely be able to the swift symptom removing,but also be able to be cuted down,decreasing recurs.
Chinese Journal of Modern Drug Application
Baby boy
Frequent micturition
Middle Western medicine unites