
论中国对外直接投资的出口效应 被引量:3

The Export Effect of China' s Outward FDI
摘要 近几年来,特别是“走出去”战略提出以后,我国的对外直接投资规模迅速扩大。对外直接投资大规模出现的时期正是我国出口贸易发展面临重重困难的时期,出口发展的速度与效益不成比例、大规模低成本扩张遭遇到越来越多的反倾销等贸易壁垒、出口产品缺乏核心竞争力等问题对我国出口的可持续发展造成威胁。而对外直接投资作为企业进入国际市场的一种替代手段,对我国出口规模的扩大、产品科技含量的提升、贸易利益的合理分成等都起到了积极的作用。因此及时制定协调的贸易与投资发展政策,以对外直接投资带动我国出口的可持续发展成为一种可行的路径。 China's outward FDI has been growing rapidly in recent years, especially after the government implements the GO -OUT strategy. On the other hand, the export of China is facing more and more difficulties, such as trade barriers, the imbalance between speed and benefit, etc. As an alternative path, when a firm enters the international market, out - ward FDI can support and promote export in scale, technology level, the balance of trade benefit. To promote the export, there should be coordination between the existing policy and measures of FDI.
作者 李建萍
出处 《上海商学院学报》 2006年第4期28-33,共6页 Business Economic Review
关键词 中国 对外直接投资 出口 China, Outward - FDI, Export
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