

the Policy Value of the Happiness Index
摘要 近来,幸福指数在社会上引起了广泛关注。我们究竟该如何理解幸福指数,民众的幸福指数现状到底如何,关注幸福指数的政策价值又在哪里?笔者认为,幸福是人生追求的一大目标,是人们对生活满意程度的一种主观感受。所谓幸福指数是一个务虚的概念,就是衡量这种感受的主观指标。各种有关幸福感的调查显示,并非经济越发达的地方,人就越幸福。关注幸福指数对于引导政策的价值取向具有重大的实践意义。 Recently, more and more people are fixing their eyes on the happiness index. On earth, how to explain the meaning of the happiness index? How is the public happiness index going on? And, what's the public policy value of paying more attention to the happiness index? The article focus on expounding some points of view for this. Happiness, the great goal in one's life is one's subjective feeling. The happiness index is a conception without number. It can be explained as the exponent to measure the subjective feeling. According to many research findings, the more better-off the more happiness is not in line with the fact. The happiness index would give the significant and practical guide to the policy value.
作者 邓洁
出处 《上海理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第3期10-13,35,共5页 Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology:Social Sciences Edition
关键词 幸福 指数 政策价值 happiness, index, policy value
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