Our reporter made an interview with Jiang Qitaoafter he spoke at the Fourth Session of Ninth CPPCCLiaoning Committee. Jiang Qitao, deputy secretary of theCPPCC Liaoning Committee, said that he is commissaryof the CPPCC Liaoning Committee and he dares to saywhat he wants at the meeting. He has paid great attentionto the economic and social development of the province,and gave some proposals at the meeting. For instance,the proposal he put forward at the Third Session of NinthCPPCC Liaoning Committee, "to speed up cooperativemedical treatment in the countryside so as to preventfarmers from going into poverty again because of illness",was given a special regard by the relating unit. Now thereare 10.37 million farmers who joined the new-typecooperative medical treatment. Some proposals he wrotewere listed as key ones, such as "to strengthen thesafeguard and administration to the ancient biologicalfossil in Liaoxi", and "to develop the non-public-ownershipeconomy so as to promote the economic development inthe countryside."Jiang added that he put in some proposals at thefourth session, such as "to implement the stratagemabout the intellective property right and enhance thescientech independent innovation in our province", and"to strengthen the ability of independent technologicalinnovation among enterprises and realize the basicchange in economic development mode".Jiang considered that to build up the coastal economicbelt is one of main tasks for the Eleventh Five-Year-Program of Liaoning. In fact, he said, the six cities alongthe coast have no industrial chain but the enterprisegroup only.
Our reporter made an interview with Jiang Qitaoafter he spoke at the Fourth Session of Ninth CPPCCLiaoning Committee. Jiang Qitao, deputy secretary of theCPPCC Liaoning Committee, said that he is commissaryof the CPPCC Liaoning Committee and he dares to saywhat he wants at the meeting. He has paid great attentionto the economic and social development of the province,and gave some proposals at the meeting. For instance,the proposal he put forward at the Third Session of NinthCPPCC Liaoning Committee, 'to speed up cooperativemedical treatment in the countryside so as to preventfarmers from going into poverty again because of illness',was given a special regard by the relating unit. Now thereare 10.37 million farmers who joined the new-typecooperative medical treatment. Some proposals he wrotewere listed as key ones, such as 'to strengthen thesafeguard and administration to the ancient biologicalfossil in Liaoxi', and 'to develop the non-public-ownershipeconomy so as to promote the economic development inthe countryside.'Jiang added that he put in some proposals at thefourth session, such as 'to implement the stratagemabout the intellective property right and enhance thescientech independent innovation in our province', and'to strengthen the ability of independent technologicalinnovation among enterprises and realize the basicchange in economic development mode'.Jiang considered that to build up the coastal economicbelt is one of main tasks for the Eleventh Five-Year-Program of Liaoning. In fact, he said, the six cities alongthe coast have no industrial chain but the enterprisegroup only.
Liaoning Today