The university entranceexamination (UEE) in Chinais a vane of education andbecomes a gambit of thepublic, especially in summer.Looking back the history ofUEE, nearly thirty years, wesee great changes happen-ing in education. On October12, 1977, the State Councidecided to resume the UEEin China, which was a greatevent in contemporaryeducation of China.In winter 1977 and insummer 1978, there weremore than 11600000 per-sons to take part in the UEE,which perhaps was top innumber on earth. In 1981,the archives of students wereset up in high schools, andregulation of the mark secretto examinee was cancelled.From 1979 to 2003,when July came, the 7th day,8th day and 9th day were thedate of UEE, and was ofcourse the decisive battle forthe examinee of China. In1994, 37 universities orcolleges started trial thatstudents should hand in feeand choose specialty bythemselves. In 2001, therestriction to age andmarriage was given up toexaminee. In 2003, thetraditional date of UEE waschanged from July to June.In the past thirty yearsof UEE, the rate of matri-culates changed greatly. Theproportion of matriculates in1977 was only 29:1, but 2:1in 2005.
The university entranceexamination (UEE) in Chinais a vane of education andbecomes a gambit of thepublic, especially in summer.Looking back the history ofUEE, nearly thirty years, wesee great changes happen-ing in education. On October12, 1977, the State Councidecided to resume the UEEin China, which was a greatevent in contemporaryeducation of China.In winter 1977 and insummer 1978, there weremore than 11600000 per-sons to take part in the UEE,which perhaps was top innumber on earth. In 1981,the archives of students wereset up in high schools, andregulation of the mark secretto examinee was cancelled.From 1979 to 2003,when July came, the 7th day,8th day and 9th day were thedate of UEE, and was ofcourse the decisive battle forthe examinee of China. In1994, 37 universities orcolleges started trial thatstudents should hand in feeand choose specialty bythemselves. In 2001, therestriction to age andmarriage was given up toexaminee. In 2003, thetraditional date of UEE waschanged from July to June.In the past thirty yearsof UEE, the rate of matri-culates changed greatly. Theproportion of matriculates in1977 was only 29:1, but 2:1in 2005.
Liaoning Today