
七城联手 还辽河流域绿水清流

Liaohe River Will Be Clear In Five Years
摘要   在鞍山召开的辽宁中部城市群书记市长联席会议上,沈阳、鞍山、抚顺、本溪、营口、辽阳和铁岭七城市共同签订了《辽宁中部城市群(沈阳经济区)水环境综合整治一体化合作框架协议》,准备联手加强水环境综合整治和资源利用.七城市从今年开始将打破城市间的区域界限,统一行动,改善辽河流域的生态环境,并争取用5年时间,再现绿水清流.…… From this year on, the Liaohe River starts to be fathered clear within five years according to the conference of seven cities in the central part of Liaoning province. Liaohe River is one of seven longest water systems in China. It consists of two resources. One comes from Hebei province and runs to Bohai Sea in Panjin city, 1345 kilometers long in total. One comes from Qingyuan county of Fushun city and runs to Bohai Sea in Yingkou city, 511 kilometers long in total. According to data of the State Environment Protection Bureau, the proportion of bad-V water quality in Liaohe River is 37.9%. The reason of its pollution is the industry, which uses water totaling about 70% of the river, besides, the pollution of fertilizer, pesticide, livestock breeding, waste water of daily life, etc. To protect the river, Fushun has changed about 46690 hectares of plowland to forest, and shut up 29 enterprises that polluted the river. The city has invested 250 million Yuan for protecting the river in order to supply the central cities with good-quality water. Benxi city will make contributions to the protection of the water. It will channel the Xihe River into the Tanghe Reservior. Besides, the Taizi River will be protected well. Benxi will be built into a water-saving city. Shenyang, a city short of 400000 cubic meters of water a day, decides to father the Hunhe River. Besides, the work for disposal of sewage up to 380000 tons daily will be finished. Through hard efforts, the water quality has been improved greatly. Till now, nearly half of sewage can be disposed a day. Almost all the river running through the city looks much clearer than before, some becoming a sightseeing river of the city. To the year 2010, the aim for prevention and cure of river will be that the disposal rate of city sewage will get to 80% in Shenyang, 70% in other cities, and 50% in county seats. The usage of recycle water will be more than 20%.
作者 哲路
出处 《今日辽宁》 2006年第4期12-17,共6页 Liaoning Today
分类号 C [社会学]
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