

Significance of Guoying(Star of China) research achievement on the study of many natural,historical and cultural mysteries in the world
摘要 文章确证,国英(中国之星)是1893年前全世界最大的金刚石,而作为“夜明珠”在清朝时期与“金刚石”并称,则说明了夜明珠是相对于小粒金刚石而言、专指特大颗粒、近似球形的金刚石原石,一般专属于皇帝拥有。因此,可以说明,为什么现在夜明珠考古发掘很少和样品难寻。由于国英(中国之星)产于印度南部的戈尔康达地区,因此,戈尔康达地区必定产有金刚石的砂矿床,而研究这些砂矿床就可以找到金刚石的原生岩石,这就是笔者所创立的金刚石考古地质学理论与方法。笔者相信,这一方法同样可以用于中国内陆地区金刚石的找矿研究。不仅如此,国英(中国之星)研究成果对于中国乃至世界范围内若干自然、历史、文化之谜的研究具有重要的参考意义,这些自然、历史、文化之谜包括夜明珠之谜、“国英(中国之星)”去向之谜、成吉思汗九龙真珠之谜、光绪皇帝突然驾崩之谜、清代东陵西陵惨遭劫难之谜、中印金刚石交流历史之谜、“痕都斯坦金刚石”之谜。同时,国英(中国之星)研究成果终结了此前世界各国金刚石学者围绕“莫卧儿大帝金刚石”是否已经被切割成为“光明之山”、“光明之海”、“光明之眼”、“奥尔洛夫”或“月亮之山”的种种猜测和学术纷争。 In this paper Guoying(Star of China) was proved to be the biggest diamond in the world before 1893,and its nomenclature as 'night-shining jewel' in parallel to 'diamond' in Qing Dynasty in China indicates that it refers to large size,nearly spherical rough diamond specifically possessed by emperors,which helps to explain why such samples were so scarcely excavated and are so hard to find.As Guoying(Star of China) originated in Golconda in South India,placer diamond ores must also occur in this region and hence primary diamond deposits can possibly be traced,and these constitute the basic principles for diamond archaeogeological theory and methodology as were first established by the author.The author believes that these principles can be applied to diamond exploration in the interior of China and the results would be rather promising.Additionally,the result on Guoying(Star of China) study is significant toward uncovering of a number of natural,historical and cultural mysteries in the world,including the mystery on night-shining jewel,the mystery surrounding the whereabouts of Guoying(Star of China),the mystery on the jewel surrounded by nine dragons as possessed by Genghis Khan,the mystery on the abrupt death of Emperor Guangxu,the mystery on the plunder of both the East and West Mausoleums in the Qing Dynasty,the mystery on the exchange history of diamond between India and China,and the mystery concerning the Star of Hindustan.Meanwhile,the achievement made toward Guoying(Star of China) has helped to terminate conjectures and arguments concerning whether the Great Mugul has been cut into historically famous diamonds like Koh-i-Nur,Sea of Light,Darya-i-Nur,Orloff, and Moon of the Mountains in the world.
作者 王春云
出处 《超硬材料工程》 CAS 2006年第2期54-59,共6页 Superhard Material Engineering
关键词 金刚石 历史 国英(中国之星) 夜明珠 自然之谜 历史之谜 文化之谜 光明之山 光明之海 光明之眼 奥尔洛夫 月亮之山 痕都斯坦之星 diamond history Guoying(Star of China) night-shining jewel natural mystery historical mystery cultural mystery Koh-i-Nur Sea of Light Darya-i-Nur Orloff Moon of the Mountains Star of Hindustan
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