An intact alkali marsh soil (MS) core and an agriculture soil (AS) core were studied by the simulated test in order to get the comparison of the nutrients retention in alkali MS and AS. The soil cores extracted from the Xiang hai Wetland, western Jilin Province, China, were leached with solution contained carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus.Then the effluent water from the outlets of soil core with different depths was measured, including chemical oxygen demand (COD), total phosphorus (TP), phosphate (PO3-4 - P) and nitrogen existed as nitrate (NO-3 - N), nitrite (NO-2 - N) and ammonia nitrogen (NH+4 - N) and the total nitrogen (TN) in the effluent water. COD and TP are decreased with the depth, the changing trends of TN, NO-3 - N and NH+4 - N contents are similar to COD and TP,whereas NO-2 - N in both MS and AS effluent have a little transition at 40cm depth. It is similar efficiency of MS to AS in significantly cutting down COD, TP, PO3-4 - P, TN, NO-3 - N, NH+4 - N and NO-2 - N in nutrient water.The function of MS would be same efficiency of the nutrients retention as the AS. Although the SOM and pH have some impacts on nutrients retention in the soil, the MS with higher soil organic matter (SOM) and pH have the same effluent water as the AS with the lower SOM and pH at the depth of 60 cm, the bottom of the soil cores.
An intact alkali marsh soil (MS) core and an agriculture soil (AS) core were studied by the simulated test in order to get the comparison of the nutrients retention in alkali MS and AS. The soil cores extracted from the Xiang-hai Wetland, western Jilin Province, China, were leached with solution contained carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. Then the effluent water from the outlets of soil core with different depths was measured, including chemical oxygen demand (COD), total phosphorus (TP), phosphate (PO43-- P) and nitrogen existed as nitrate (NO3- - N), nitrite (NO2- - N) and ammonia nitrogen (NH4+- N) and the total nitrogen (TN) in the effluent water. COD and TP are decreased with the depth, the changing trends of TN, NO3- - N and NH4+ - N contents are similar to COD and TP, whereas NO2- - N in both MS and AS effluent have a little transition at 40cm depth. It is similar efficiency of MS to AS in significantly cutting down COD, TP, PO43- - P, TN, NO3- - N, NH4+ - N and NO2- - N in nutrient water. The function of MS would be same efficiency of the nutrients retention as the AS. Although the SOM and pH have some impacts on nutrients retention in the soil, the MS with higher soil organic matter (SOM) and pH have the same effluent water as the AS with the lower SOM and pH at the depth of 60 cm, the bottom of the soil cores.
XU Xiao-feng, SONG Chang-chun, SONG Xia, YAN Bai-xing, WANG Yi-yong.WANG Guo-ping,ZHANG Yu-xiaNortheast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology, CAS, Changchun, 130012, China The Institute of Geography Science and the Natural Resource Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
Wetland Science