江泽民同志的《七一讲话》全面地丰富和发展了马克思主义的基本原理 ,其中对马克思的劳动价值论的发展是最光辉之点。它对“劳动”范畴的丰富内涵、知识经济时代劳动价值论是否过时、科学知识是否创造价值、生产要素参与分配与是否违背劳动价值论、私营企业主是否创造价值等重大的理论和实践问题都作出科学的回答。它为党的现行的经济方针。
Jiang zemin's speech on 1 July riches and develops thoroughly Marxism basic principle.And the development of the ideas about Marx's labor value is the most glorious part.It also gives us the scientific answer to the main theory and practice problems,such as the rich content of 'Labor' scope,whether the ideas about labor value have been old-fashioned in economic and knowledge age,whether scientific knowledge can create value,whether the participation and assignment of production elements displays the ideas on labor value and whether the individual industry owners create value,etc.It lays the strong theory foundation of the current economic policies for the party.
Journal of Liaoning Technical University(Social Science Edition)