发展是生命世界的永恒主题 ,但工业文明时代人们对“发展”的理解一般集中在经济领域的速度加快、规模扩大、人均GNP提高等意义上。人类在惬意地享受着工业文明之树结出的累累硕果时 ,赖以生存和发展的环境却千疮百孔 ,“生物群体崩溃”有可能在未来 2 0 0年内发生 ,工业化的生态代价令人始料不及。在经历了一系列的生态灾难后 ,人类才大梦初醒 ,原来孜孜以求的没有发展的增长不过是竹篮打水。 2 0世纪 60 -80年代诞生的可持续发展观是人类发展观念的一次深刻变革 ,然而 ,可持续发展观由于自身的残缺不可避免地走入绝地。确立全新的发展观 ,实现发展的革命 ,是我们刻不容缓的使命 ,而实现这种革命的契机存在于也只能存在于所有物种乃至所有存在物的和谐之中 ,正是从这个意义上 ,作者提出了一种足以引致发展革命的发展观———和谐发展观。一旦人类认识到和谐发展的重要性 ,并藉此实现了发展的革命 ,那么 。
Development is the permanent subject of life.But in the times of industrial civilization,Men regarded ' development 'as speed-increasing,scope-expanding and per capita GNP-raising.While human beings were enjoying these gains,our environment was damaged.It was known that increasing without development was like carrying water with bamboo basket.In 1960s-1980s,sustainable development came into being,which was a deep revolution of human development.Now,It has gone to ruin.It is of great urgency for us to establish a new idea of development and realize its revolution,which stays in the harmony of all things.In the sence,the author puts forward harmonious development,which can lead to revolution of development.Once the human race knows the importance of harmonious development,she will have a new development cause certainly.
Journal of University of Jinan:Social Science Edition