国际互联网的发展和普及昭示着信息化时代的到来。网络时代呼唤外语教育的变革。外语教育史证明 ,理论创新和科技进步始终是外语教育改革肇始、深化和发展的福音。国际互联网将要引发新一轮的外语教育的改革 ,但利用网络技术进行外语教育只是对传统教育手段的补充和拓展 ,而不是替代和置换。
The rapid development of the internet signalizes the arrival of the information age which calls for the further reform of foreign language teaching (FLT). In recollection, theoretical innovation and technological progress have always been a blessing for the initiation, deepening and development of the reform in the field of FLT. This paper discusses, from a historical point of view, the role theoretical innovation and technological progress have played in the promotion of FLT with a focus on the net-induced FLT reform and thereby raises the writer's tentative views on this issue.
Journal of University of Jinan:Social Science Edition