传统发展观与可持续发展观是发展观的两种历史形态 ,传统发展观以经济增长为惟一目的 ,认为发展的实质是一个经济过程 ,从而混淆了发展与增长的关系 ,恶化了人类的生存状况 ,使人成了单向度的人 ,造成了发展中内部经济与外部不经济的矛盾。而可持续发展观则是社会、经济、人与自然协调共生的一种综合发展观。传统发展观与可持续发展观既表现出在发展的内涵及其方式、发展的空间和时间尺度、衡量指标、人与自然的关系等方面的区别 ,也呈现出在共时态上的依托性、在历时态上的相继性和重视经济发展的共同性等方面的相互联系。
The historical classification of developmental viewpoint is composed of the following types: the traditional one and the sustainable one.The traditional one takes the economic increase as its sole aim, and considers the essence of development as an economic process. This kind of view mixes up the development and increase, deteriorates the living conditions of human beings, results in the one-dimensional person, and causes the contradiction between internal economy and external non-economy in the process of development. While the sustainable development is a comprehensive viewpoint, which combines society, economy, human beings and nature into co-existence and harmony. There are such differences between the traditional development and the sustainable development as the denotation and pattern, the scale of space and time, the standard of measurement and the relationship between man and nature etc. And there are also similarities between them in historical succession and emphasis on the economic development. The differences and similarities altogether constitute a dialectical relation between the traditional development and the sustainable development.
Journal of University of Jinan:Social Science Edition