对陕西省科教工作者的生活运动习惯与健身意识的调查表明 ,科教工作者群体的生活运动习惯有待进一步的改善。 3 1 1 8%的人有烟酒嗜好 ,有一定比例的人在饮食、休息、起居等方面无良好的习惯与规律 ;只有少数的人经常参加体育锻炼 ,具有明显的年龄阶段特点 ;对全民健身意识的调查表明 ,绝大部分人对全民健身积极支持 ,有着极强的参与愿望。根据调查结论 ,提出加强科教工作者的健身意识 。
The survey statistics on the living habits and physical fit awareness of intellectuals in Shaanxi suggests that they should improve their concept on living habits and fit awareness. Of the questioned 31.18% are tobacco addicted, and a certain percentage do not have a regular and healthy living habits and pattern. Only a few in a certain age group take part in sports and games regularly. As for the National Fitness Movement, most of them appreciate it and have a strong wish to join in. Based on the statistics, this report offers some suggestions and strategies for improving the intellectuals health as well as enhancing their concept of fit awareness.
Journal of Shaanxi University of Technology:Social Sciences
陕西省教委人文社科基金项目 (98JK0 1 5 )