七氟丙烷具有良好的灭火性能 ,由于它不含溴氯 ,它对臭氧层的耗损潜能值(ODP)为零 ,具有良好的环保性 ,是哈龙灭火剂很好的替代品 ,由于七氟丙烷与三氟溴甲烷在物理和化学性质的区别 ,它们在灭火使用时对环境的要求仍有所区别。
Heptafluoropropane has good properties of extinguishing a fire.Its ODP is zero due to not consisting of any bromine or fluorine,so it's good for environmental protection.It's a good substitute for Halong extinguishers.Heptafluuoropropane and bromotrifluoromethane are different in physical and chemical properties, thus they still have different requirements for enviroment in the process of putting out fires.