为了解心得安、哌唑嗪对小鼠造血功能的影响 ,进而为阐明儿茶酚胺类物质与造血调节的关系提供实验依据 ,采用对正常、受辐射前和骨髓移植 (Bone Marrow Transplatation,BMT)后的活体小鼠灌喂药物后 ,再检测外周血各细胞数量及内源性、外源性脾集落数的方法 ,初步探讨了α、β受体阻滞剂心得安和哌唑嗪对小鼠造血调节的影响。结果显示 :正常小鼠灌喂哌唑嗪后外周血白细胞 (WBC)和淋巴细胞 (L C)总数低于灌喂生理盐水 (NS)的对照组 ,预先灌喂哌唑嗪再经亚致死剂量照射后小鼠外周血 WBC、中性粒细胞 (NEU)总数上升而 L C总数下降 ,BMT后哌唑嗪能使受体小鼠外周血 WBC总数下降而 NEU总数和 RBC总数上升。正常小鼠灌喂心得安后 L C总数低于对照组 ,预先灌喂心得安使受亚致死剂量辐射的小鼠 WBC、L C总数下降 ,NEU绝对值上升 ,BMT后灌喂心得安组的 WBC、NEU、L C总数均低于对照组 ,RBC数高于对照组。哌唑嗪和心得安组的内、外源性脾集落数与对照组相比无差异。表明 :α、β受体阻滞剂对正常和病理状态的小鼠造血调节均有一定的影响 ,针对不同的生理状态其作用又不尽相同 ,提示以兴奋α、β受体而调节机体功能活动的儿茶酚胺类物质与造血调节可能有着复杂的关系。
In order to explore the affection of propranolol and prazosin on murine hematopoiesis,proceed to provide the experimental basis for the research of relationship between catecholamines and hematopoiesis We poured propranolol and prazosin as well as normal saline(NS)down the stomach of mouse which normal?before been sub lethal radiated and after bone marrow transplatations(BMT),then test the numbers of blood cells in the peripheral blood and the numbers of endogenous as well as exogenous colony forming unit-spleen.The results show that the numbers of white bolld cell(WBC)and the lymphocyte(LC)was fewer in the group of prazosin than in the group of control(the group of NS);received sublethal radiation after been given pazosin,the numbers of WBC and neutrophlic granulocyte(NEU)were more?the number of LC was fewer than the group of control;given pazosin after BMT,the number of WBC was fewer?the NEU and RBC were more than the group of control.The number of LC in the group of propranolol was fewer than the group of control;received radiation after been given propranolol,the numbers of WBC?LC were fewer,the NEU was more than the group of control;given propranolol after BMT the numbers of WBC?NEU?LC were fewer,the number of RBC was more than the group of control.The numbers of endogenous and exogenous colony forming unit-spleen in the group of pazosin and propranolol as well as the group of control were not different.These results demonstrate that the inhibiters of α?β receptors affect hematopoiesis both in the physiological and pathological condition,the affection was different as the condition changed,there was complex relationship between the catecholamines which regulate body function by activation the α?β receptors and hematopoiesis regulation.
Sichuan Journal of Anatomy
α、β receptor