《尤利西斯》是爱尔兰著名小说家乔伊斯的代表作 ,其中主人公布卢姆形象的精神特征极为丰富复杂 ,主要表现为灵与肉、英雄与庸人的二元对立。《尤利西斯》全面展现了人性奥秘的各个层次和发展变化的曲折过程。不仅是犹太人、爱尔兰人的精神史诗 ,而且是现代社会人类精神发展的史诗。
Leopold Bloom, the hero in Ulysses, is generally considered as a mediocre person. The paper tries to explore the complexity of the spiritual feature of Leopold Bloom with the contrast between soul and flesh, hero and mediocrity. Ulysses is not only the spiritual epic of Jew and the Irish, but also the immortal epic of the development of mankind in modern society.
Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics(Social Sciences)