哥伦布发现美洲是世界史上的划时代大事 ,使世界历史发生了历史性的变化 ,是人类历史的一个重大转折点。它打破了世界各民族的原始封闭隔离状态 ,扩大了世界各民族间相互影响活动范围 ,从而使世界历史开始形成。本文就哥伦布发现美洲的动因和所产生的影响做一些肤浅的论述。
Columbus was the great navigator in the age.It is viewed that he possesses the spirit of the new capitalist,that he inspected and explored the world in the scientific methods.On the call of the era,he sailed across the Atlantic bravely,explored by sailing from Europe to America,so discovered America.It has been debated that why Columbus could do it and what affectation it would have?This paper views that it is inevitable historically.It is the discover of America that makes people set up the world history and developed the capitalism in Europe.Owing to this,the civilization and India of America sacrificed tremendously.
Journal of Shenyang Institute of Engineering:Social Science