An intelligent welding robot for spherical tank's all-position multi-layerwelds is developed. Based on the dynamics analyzing and simulation testing, a flexible magneticwheel mechanism is created as the robot's walking carriage. It makes the robot directly attracted tothe surface of the spherical tank so as to realize the all-position walking and welding withoutrail. At the same time, a CCD real-time tracing system is developed for the robot to repeatedlytrace the all-position and multi-layer seams. The welding tests show that the welding robot can makethe all-position and multi-layer welds with high tracing accuracy, excellent quality and reliablebehavior, and it can be applied for practical production.
An intelligent welding robot for spherical tank's all-position multi-layerwelds is developed. Based on the dynamics analyzing and simulation testing, a flexible magneticwheel mechanism is created as the robot's walking carriage. It makes the robot directly attracted tothe surface of the spherical tank so as to realize the all-position walking and welding withoutrail. At the same time, a CCD real-time tracing system is developed for the robot to repeatedlytrace the all-position and multi-layer seams. The welding tests show that the welding robot can makethe all-position and multi-layer welds with high tracing accuracy, excellent quality and reliablebehavior, and it can be applied for practical production.
This project is supported by National 863 High Technology R&D Program (No.863-512-9913-02).