目的 研究 LAK(Lymphokine-activated killer cells)免疫支持治疗对大鼠慢性肾功能衰竭(Chr-onic renal failure,CRF)肾功能的影响,以评估该治疗在CRF临床治疗中的应用前景。方法 对SD大鼠采用两步法行5/6肾脏切除术建立CRF动物模型,并制备LAK,在此基础上分别对CRF大鼠进行LAK治疗与生理盐水对照处理;对大鼠肾切术前后及LAK治疗后3周、6周血尿毒氮(BUN)、肌酐(Cr)进行测定,并应用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)测定血浆白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β)水平来反映CRF肾脏慢性纤维化。结果 5/6肾脏切除术后,大鼠BUN,Cr及血浆IL-1β水平较显著升高(P<0.01);LAK治疗后3周、6周,BUN、Cr及血浆IL-1β水平较同期生理盐水对照处理组大鼠显著降低(P<0.01);结论 LAK可能通过改善机体免疫状态,减少血液循环中某些细胞因子(如IL-1)异常升高,最终延缓肾小球及肾间质慢性纤维化的病理进程及并行的残余肾功能进行性破坏;LAK作为一种过继性细胞免疫支持治疗,可能在今后的CRF患者支持治疗中有着相当的临床应用前景。
Objective To investigate the effect of lymphoking - activated killercells(LAK)therapy on residual renal function in chronic kidney failure (CRF) rats so as to evaluate clinic perspective of the therapy. Methods The 5/ 6nephrectomized rats were served as exprimental animal modei and LAK were obtained in the meanwhile. Measurement of renal function such as BUN and Cr, along with analysis of seruro interleukin- 1β(1L- 1β) by ELISA method in both LAK therapy and untreated rats group were performed before or after 5/6 nephrectomy as well as 3and 6 weeks after LAK thera-py. Results The Ievels of BUN, Cr and Serum IL - 1βall increased significantly after 5/6 nephrectomy( P < 0.01) . However, in 3 of 6 weeks after LAK therapy, the Ievels of BUN, Cr and serum IL - 1B in LAK therapy CRF rats were all lower than those of untreated rats significantly( P < 0.01). Conduskns LAK therapy might impede the pathologic process of renal fibrinosis along with progressive deterioration of residual renal function in CRF indi-vidual via improvement of the status of immonologic system and reduction of the increase of some cytokines such as IL - 1. The study above indicate that, as an adoptive cell therapy, Lak might have considerable clinic perspective in immunothera-py in CRF patients.
Chinese Journal of Blood Purification
Lymphoking- activated killer cells(LAK)
Chronic renal failure (CRF)