
Experiments on Interaction Between Current-Induced Vibration and Scour of Submarine Pipelines on Sandy Bottom 被引量:5

Experiments on Interaction Between Current-Induced Vibration and Scour of Submarine Pipelines on Sandy Bottom
摘要 In order to understand the dynamic behavior of submarine pipelines exposed to current and the mechanism of the interaction between current-induced vibration and scour of pipelines on a sandy bottom, an experimental investigation is conducted with a small scale model A test model which can be tested in the flume is set up by taking into account the typical working conditions of the pipelines and by applying the similarity theory. The interactions between the shape of the scour hole and the behavior of the pipeline as well as the flow patterns of the current are detailed, and the interaction mechanism outlined. The effect of vibration of the pipeline on the development of dynamic scour at different stages is found out. The proposed experimental method and test results provide an effective means for design of marine pipelines against scouring. In order to understand the dynamic behavior of submarine pipelines exposed to current and the mechanism of the interaction between current-induced vibration and scour of pipelines on a sandy bottom, an experimental investigation is conducted with a small scale model A test model which can be tested in the flume is set up by taking into account the typical working conditions of the pipelines and by applying the similarity theory. The interactions between the shape of the scour hole and the behavior of the pipeline as well as the flow patterns of the current are detailed, and the interaction mechanism outlined. The effect of vibration of the pipeline on the development of dynamic scour at different stages is found out. The proposed experimental method and test results provide an effective means for design of marine pipelines against scouring.
出处 《China Ocean Engineering》 SCIE EI 2000年第4期423-434,共12页 中国海洋工程(英文版)
基金 Supported by the Ninth 5-Year Priorities Program(Project No.KZ951-A1-405),Chinese Academy of Sciences
关键词 dynamic scour current-induced vibration marine pipeline shedding of vortex lock-in vibration dynamic scour current-induced vibration marine pipeline shedding of vortex lock-in vibration
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