深入研究了计算机绘图教学 ,结合我院目前的教学实际情况及大纲中规定的教学基本要求 ,找出了教学中现存的实际问题。为适应新形势下计算机绘图的需要 ,对如何加强计算机绘图课提出了几点合理化建议 ,即适当增加授课时间与学生上机时间 。
Analyses on current CAD teaching, in accord with the basic requirement as in the syllabus, reveal that students were inadequately exposed to both theoretical instructions and actual practice on computer operation. It is proposed, in this paper, that academic length for the instructions and practice be prolonged under new circumstances, and that CAD teachers be encouraged to make more researches on graphics.
Journal of North University of China:Social Science Edition