
新思想拒绝文化属性:一个文学的教训 被引量:6

New Ideas Dispense with Culture:A Lesson Learned from Literature
摘要 从文学角度讨论文化的基本品质 :过时、狭隘、准自然的非理性。 1 按照译学中“可译性”的观念 ,愈是深深“植根于所属文化”的文本 ,愈不具备可译性 ;由于翻译实为不同文化间的交流 ,所以深刻体现文化属性的文本 (亦即思想 )不具备充分的可交流性。文化属性是交流的障碍。 2 文化是“以往年代或时代的思想” ,从而以表达新思想为宗旨的新文学顽强地拒绝文化属性。 3 由于自动免除了文化的约束 ,新思想具备充分的可译、可交流性。结论 :清醒地对待文化 ,而不是一味热衷于文化 ,是文化论者的职守 ,也是一个崇尚进步和创新的社会的明智之举。 This article defines the spirit of culture as being backward-looking and narrow-visioned, as evidenced in and by literature. 1.A text of literature is translatable to the degree to which it is embedded in its specific culture, and to the distance that separates the cultural backgrounds of the source and target texts in terms of time and place. Since translation is communication between cultures, ideas that are the most deeply embedded in one cullture are the least communicable, indicating culture as an impediment to commuication. 2.Literature aspiring to the expression of new ideas aspires to being emancipated from this impediment of culture: ideas in a flow originating many thousand years back. 3.Ideas in such literature, having washed their hands of culture, are fully translatable and communicable. Conclusion: A society that is forward-looking must be sober-minded about its culture.
作者 钟良明
出处 《北京交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2002年第2期59-64,共6页 Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 思想 文化 文学 翻译 可译性 可交流性 共同文本 符号 ideas cullture literature translation translatability communicability universals sign (code)
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