2001年10月在上海举行的亚太经合组织首脑会议受到了全世界的关注,中国作为本次APEC的主席国承办这次会议。其间,作为本次APEC的21个成员国的主席,中国国家主席江泽民与美国总统布什进行的会晤更是举世瞩目。APEC作为一个重要的区域性经济合作组织,它对于21个成员国之间经济合作能够产生多大的影响?带着这个问题,APEC会议前夕,在美国西部美丽的港口城市西雅图的世界贸易中心,中国《银行家》杂志记者采访了APEC美国国家中心(National Center for APEC)主任马伦(Michael C.Mullen)先生和来自美国商务部的高级商务顾问艾伦(Craig Allen)先生。
Before China joins WTO, The APEC is the only economic organization of multi-side cooperation. China can do multi-side bargaining with other countries only in APEC. APEC is an international organization which involved business relation. The political affair and other affairs should not be taken care in APEC. The most fundanental understanding of APEC is that the decreasing of tariff is the matter of WT0, APEC put emphasis on the optimal process of business, transferring technology, and how to set up business better.
The Chinese Banker