证人出庭作证难已严重困扰着我国庭审方式改革。证人拒不出庭作证有诸多方面的原因 ,其中法律规定的不完善是最为明显的 ,当然还有公众法律意识水平不高等因素阻碍证人出庭作证。因此对证人出庭作证制度的建构就需要完善法律规范 。
The difficulty for the witness to appear in court troubles the reform of the court trial.The reasons why the witness refuses to appear is obviously not only that China’s legal regulation is still not perfect,but also that the public legal awareness is low.Therefore,it is necessary to improve the public awareness,and to construct a legal system for the witness to appear in court.
Journal of Liuzhou Teachers College