记述采自贵州省丝(虫忽)科1新种:贵州赭丝(虫忽)Indolestes guizhouensissp.nov。模式标体保存于浙江自然博物馆昆虫标本室。
The paper reports a new species of the genus Indolestes Fraser. Type specimens are preserved in the Zhejiang Museum of Natural HistoryIndolestes guizhouensis sp.nov(Figs.1-5)Measurements(mm): ♂ Abd+app.38mm,hind wing.28mm.The new species is similar to Indolestes gracilis(Hagen),but can be easily separated from the latter by: 1) outer side of the hinder ocelli with two small triangular green spots;2) abdomen azure blue marked with black,segments 3and 4 with the apical quarter black,segment 5 with the apical third black,segment 6with the two fifth black,segments 7 to 9 almost entirely black.
Wuyi Science Journal