英国自国家产生之日起 ,法律就在社会生活中享有崇高权威 ,形成了崇法遵法的法治传统。从 12— 13世纪起 ,又建立起一套由三大中央法庭和巡回法庭组成的专职法庭组织 ,兴起了一个以法官和律师为主体的法律职业阶层。因此 ,中世纪英国的司法具有一定的相对独立性。正是在此历史基础上 ,英国在刚刚跨入近代门槛时 ,就先于世界其他各国确立起了司法独立。
Since England emerged as a country,law has enjoyed supreme authority in social life,forming a tradition of the rule by law,with which law is worshipped and observed.From the 12-13 rd centuries,a specific court organization consisting of central court and mobile courts was set up,producing the law occupational strata consisting of judges and lawyers.Therefore,the English judicature in Middle Ages had a comparative independence.It was on this basis that judicial independence was established ahead of other countries when England ushered in the new age.
Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)