

Three New Topics in the Study of Xie Lingyun
摘要 《邻里相送至方山》一诗是谢灵运入宋以后命运发生重大转折的艺术反映。他并不反对新兴的刘宋王朝 ,但无意中卷入了宫廷政治的纠葛 ,很快被逐出首都 ,这是高傲的诗人根本不能接受的。他居官时的名士作风不能为当局所容 ,终于落到悲剧的结局。他临死前的两首诗 :《临川被收》和《临终诗》都包含着许多矛盾 ,他并没有向刘宋王朝造反的必要和可能 ,只是作风不能为“性好吏职”的当朝司徒刘义康所容 ,才死于非命。对于强加给自己的诬陷不实之词 ,谢灵运不屑辩解 ,他深感世界的荒谬 ,于是负气地摆出一付前晋王朝遗老的架势 ,似乎要向刘宋王朝造反 ,此时他的心理已经有些变态。鲁迅先生曾经计划整理谢灵运的集子 ,工作没有做完 。 The poem of Linli Xiangsong Zhi Fangshan is an artistic expression of Xie Lingyun's fate after the Song Dynasty began. Xie did not object the burgeoning dynasty, but unconsciously he got involved in palace politics, and was banished from the capital, which the proud poet could not take in. When in office his aristocratic style was hardly tolerated by the authority, hence his sad ending. His last two poems-Linchuan Beishou and Lingzhong Shi embodied the conflict in his mind. It is not necessary, nor is it possible for him to rebel again the Song Dynasty, only that his behavior could not be allowed by Liu Yikang, Situ of the court, which resulted in his unnatural death. As to the false accusations directed against him, Xie Lingyun thought it scorn to give them any exculpation, besides a deep sense of the absurdity of the world. Feeling wronged, he acted rashly as if he was a survivor of the East Jin Dynasty and would rebel again the Song Dynasty, when he was being a little bit abnormal. Mr. Lu Xun once planned to collate the works of Xie Lingyun, but did not finish, the materials he left, however, were a good reference for the later generations.
作者 顾农
机构地区 扬州大学文学院
出处 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2003年第3期36-41,共6页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 谢灵运 <邻里相送至方山> <临川被收> <临终诗> 鲁迅 Xie Lingyun Linli Xiangsong Zhi Fangshan Linchuan Beishou Lingzhong Shi Lu Xun
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