
无线传感器网络的研究现状及发展趋势 被引量:25

The Situation and Future Development of Wireless Sensor Network
摘要 无线传感器网络将传感器技术、通信技术、计算机技术结合在一起,具有信息采集、传输、处理的能力。传感器网络最初是由于军事的需要而发展起来的,随着传感器网络技术的逐步发展,它的应用也越来越广泛,现在已从军事防御普及到社会的各个领域。本文以综述的方式介绍了无线传感器网络的发展历史、研究现状以及未来的发展趋势,同时介绍了无线传感器网络的原理,给出了一些典型的应用。 Wireless sensor network combines sensor technology, communication technology and computer technology together. It has the ability of collecting, transferring and processing information. Sensor network technology was first used in military systems. But now, it has been used in almost all of the fields with the developing of sensor network technology. In this paper, we first describe the history of wireless sensor network, and then give a description of the situation of development. In the end, we give a forecast of the future development. We also introduce the principium of wireless sensor network, and give some typical applications.
出处 《系统仿真技术》 2005年第2期67-73,共7页 System Simulation Technology
关键词 无线传感器网络 传感器节点 发展趋势 wireless sensor network sensor node future development
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