1[1]Carnap,R.1947.Meaning and Necessity.The University of Chicago Press,Chicago and London.
2[3]Frege,G.1904.What is a function? in P.Geach and M.Black (ed.),Translations from the Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege.Basil Blackwell,Oxford,1952,pp.107-116.
3[4]Hughes,G.E.and Cresswell,M.J.1968.An Introduction to Modal Logic.Menthuen and Co.Ltd.
5[1]这是影片Silverado中一位平凡女性Stella的话,原文是:Some people think because they are stronger or meaner they can push you around....But it' s only true if you let it be.The world is what you make of it.