基于 Labview 虚拟仪器开发系统,建立了利用随机共振检测弱信号的模拟仿真实验系统。通过适当的调节输入信号的振幅、噪声强度和系统参数,可以在模拟仿真实验系统中实时地观察到非线性双稳态系统中发生的随机共振现象,进而检测系统输入的淹没于强噪声背景中的弱信号.该模拟仿真实验系统还可以改造成为检测实际弱信号的探测系统。虚拟仿真实验结果表明基于 Labview 的随机共振检测弱信号模拟仿真实验系统具有形象直观、实时性强、参数调节简洁等特点。
Based on Labview Virtual Instruments(VI)development system,a simulation system is built to simulate weak signal detection using stochastic resonance(SR).In the virtual simulation system,the occurrence of SR of the nonlinear system can be observed in real time when adjusting the amplitude of input signal,intensity of input noise or the system paramete,s properly.The virtual simulation system can be reformed into a practical applied system which can process actual weak signal data.The results of the Labview VI simulation of the SR of nonlinear bistable system show that it has the advantages of more visual,real time and more easily adjusting system parameters, and especially can process data collected in actual.
Infrared and Laser Engineering