策划本期高科技产品摄影的时候,脑子里被形形色色设计前卫的大家伙或小玩意塞得满满的,没错,对这些生来就充满设计感的产品来说,为其包装宣传的广告摄影地位反而被稀释无形了.那些因造型天马行空而名声在外的大牌们,都会找怎样的摄影师来替他们操刀自己的产品广告摄影呢?我们很想听听这些摄影师们的内心感言.在经过一系列比较之后,目光落到了最有可能受委屈的一个摄影师身上--丹麦品牌B&O摄影师Eqon Gade.……
When planning the photography of hi-tech products in this issue,my mind is filled with the motley of avant-garde chunks and gadgets.No doubt that,for these produets born of britliant designs.the adver-tising photography for paekaging and promofion has been dimmed.Then what kind of photographer will those brands renowned for their unehained and gitted modeling find to shoot the advertisement Pietures? We would very mueh like to hear from these talents,and affer careul seleclion,we focused on one-Egon Gade,the Photographer for the Denmark brand,B&0.
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