

Analysis of Heterosis of Yield and Its Components of CHA Hybrid Wheat in West Sichuan
摘要 分析了川西化杀杂种小麦产量优势与产量因素优势。结果表明 :(1)稀植条件下产量中亲优势与各产量因素中亲优势呈显著 (极显著 )正相关 ,以生物产量、穗粒重与穗粒数的中亲优势尤为密切。在亲本选用上应注意生物产量、穗粒重、穗粒数几个性状。 (2 )不同亲本材料的选用对杂种小麦产量因素超标优势表现有影响。 (3)稀植条件下 ,强优势组合的产量超标优势是在穗、粒、重各因素协调提高下 ,具有较高的生物产量优势与穗粒重 (穗粒数 )优势、或穗数和穗粒数优势的结果。 (4)密植条件下 ,产量超标优势主要来自于穗粒数与千粒重优势 ,而以穗粒数优势占主导作用。 (5 )单株稀植条件下的各产量因素超标杂种优势大于群体密植条件下的超标杂种优势。 (6 )产量超标优势与穗数超标优势在稀、密植条件下的相关性不显著 ,而穗粒数超标优势与千粒重超标优势在两种条件下达极显著相关。研究认为 ,目前川西化杂杂种小麦的选育应在川麦 2 8的基础上 ,稳定穗数与千粒重 。 This paper analysze the heterosis of yield and its components of CHA hybrid wheat in west Sichuan. It showed that,①As far as the heterosis over mid-parent(HM)were concerned,all yield components showed significant positive correlation to yield at 0.05 or 0.01 level under dibbling-planting condition,especially the biomass,yield per spike and grains per spike.Therefore these characters should be emphazied in selecting parents.②Different selection of parents influenced the performance of the heterosis over check(HK)of yield components differently.③In dibbling planting,Crosses with high heterosis were the results of harmounious of the yield components,with high biomass heterosis,companied either with high heterosis of yield per spike (mainly grains per spike),or with high heterosis of spikes and grains per spike.④In thick planting,the yield heterosis were mainly due to heterosis of grains per spike and 1000-kernel weight,and the former was most important.⑤The HK of yield and yield components in dibbling planting were higher than those in thick planting.⑥The HK of yield and effective spikes under dibbling planting had no significant correlation with those under thick planting,but the HK of grains per spike and 1000-kernel weight in dibbling planting had significant positive correlation with those under thick planting .From the above analysis,we got the conclusion that in west Sichuan in order to get crosses with high hieterosis,we should stablize the spikes and 1000-kernel weight on the basis of Chuanmai 28,and improve biomass greatly per spike gersatly.
出处 《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2001年第4期5-9,共5页 Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
关键词 化杀杂种小麦 产量 产量因素 优势 CHA hybrid wheat yield yield components heterosis.
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