8月 15日— 10月 15日 ,安排 7个不同的播期 ,通过试验表明 ,紫花苜蓿Medicagosativa秋季播种以 9月 15日以前为宜 ;最晚播种期应控制在 10月 1日前后 ;不同的播种期对紫花苜蓿第 1年的产量影响较大 ,尤其是对第 1年的第 1、第 2茬草的产量影响最大 ,对后期以及第 2年产量的影响逐渐减小 ;北京地区 9月中旬甜菜叶蛾危害严重 ,要及时进行防治 ,播种期最好能够避开这个时间。
Seven alfalfa sowing date were arranged during 15th August to 15th October. The result showed that it is best to sow alfalfa before 15th September. The latest sowing date should be around 1st October. Sowing time plays a important role on the first year yield. The influence decreased in the second year. The output of the first and second crops for the first year can be greatly influenced by the seeding time, and less influence of the seeding time on later crops and years is to be seen. Beet-leaf moths can be a great harm to alfalfa in September in Beijing region.
Pratacultural Science