目的 探讨原发性十二指肠癌的症状 ,诊断及治疗。方法 回顾性总结分析 1981~ 1999年经治的原发性十二指肠癌的临床资料。结果 原发性十二指肠癌男性多于女性 ,发病年龄 2 7~ 78岁 ,主要症状有上腹部不适 2 1例 ;上腹部隐痛 17例 ;体重明显下降 16例 ;恶心、呕吐及黄疸各为 14例 ;上消化道出血及发热各 14例 ;2 9例均有剑突下及右上腹部压痛 ;触及肿大胆囊 14例 ;2 9例均作十二指肠镜检查 ,均发现病变 ,2 5例行低张十二指肠造影 ,19例有阳性发现 ;2 9例均行手术探查 ,12例行胰十二指肠切除术 ,2 9例均给予化学疗法。结论 原发性十二指肠癌缺乏特异症状和体征 ,对于出现上述症状要特别警惕 ,影像学及介入放射的检查为重要的诊断手段。治疗以手术为主 。
Objective To explore symptoms, signs, diagnosis and treatment of primary duodenal cancer Method Retrospectine summary analysis of clinical data of primary duodenal cancer after treatment from 1981 to 1999 Result Morbidity rate: The male was more than femal Incidence age was 27~78 years old The main symptoms and signs were that 21 cases had upper abdominal discomfort, 17 cases had upper abdominal secret pain, 16 cases had significant weight decrease, 14 cases had nausea, vomiting, hemorrhage fever and jaudice, 29 cases had xiphoid process pain and upper abdominal pain, 14 cases had palpable enlargment gallbladders, 29 cases took endoscopic duodenal examinations and the results were positive, 12 cases took pancreatic duodenectomy, 29 cases were given chemical treatments Conclusion The duodenal cancer had not special symptoms and signs The imageology and interuentional radiology were the importment diagnostic methods The operation was the main method and it might be treated with chemical and Chinese traditional medicines
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers
duodenal cancer, diagnosis and treatment