
心原性肺水肿31例的X线征象分析 被引量:1

Analysis of X-ray Signs in 31 Patients with Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema
摘要 目的 探讨心原性肺水肿的X线胸片的表现 ;提高对肺水肿的X线诊断的认识。方法 选取 31例诊断明确的心原性肺水肿患者 ,分析其治疗前后的正、侧位胸片的X线表现。结果  31例患者的X线征象有 :反转血流现象 2 9例 ,KerleyB线和A线各有 18例和 5例 ,胸膜下水肿和支气管袖口征各有 15例和 18例 ,肺门混浊征和肺纹理模糊 2 4例 ,蝶翼征和运动边缘线各有 5例和 2例 ,单侧肺水肿和两肺不对称的肺水肿 6例 ,胸腔积液 2 4例 ,心脏阴影扩大 2 9例。结论 反转血流现象 ;KerleyB线形成 ;肺门混浊征和肺纹理模糊 ;以及少量胸腔积液 ,心胸比例增大等应为心源性肺水肿常见的且较为特征性的X线胸片表现。 Objective To evaluate the chest X-ray features of cardiogenic Pneumochysis and to call attention to diagnosis by X-ray in patients with pulmonary edema Method 31 Patients with cardiogenic pulmonary edema were incluled in this study The X-ray features in both the posterioanterior and lateral roentgenogram views were analysed before and after treatment Result The radiographic findings in thess 31 patients were: reversal blood stream sign(29); Kerley B lines (18); Kerley A lines(5); edema sign under the pleuras(15); bronchial cuffing sign(18); hilar shadows turbidness and mistlike lung markings(24); betterfly—wing sign (5); the linear sign of movement's rim(2); unilateral or bilateral unsymmetrical pneumochysis(6); pleural effusion(24); enlarged cardiac silhouette(29) Conclusion Reveral blood stream sign; Kerley B lines; hilar shadows turbidness and mistlike lung markings; slight pleural effusion; enlarged cardiothoracic ratio are common and characteristic chest X-ray features of cardiogenic pulmonary edema
作者 龚义舟 孔源
出处 《临床军医杂志》 CAS 2000年第3期46-47,共2页 Clinical Journal of Medical Officers
关键词 心原性肺水肿 X线征象 cardiogenic pulmonary edema X-ray signs
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