20世纪末 ,在世界社会主义运动遭受挫折 ,处于低潮之时 ,当代资本主义却得到长足的发展 ,处于“相对繁荣”时期。但是 ,资本主义本质依旧 ,其不可克服的固有矛盾决定了它最终必然走向灭亡 ;社会主义内在的优越性 ,特别是中国特色社会主义取得的举世瞩目的伟大成就 ,显示了科学社会主义前途光明 。
At the end of the 20 th century, when socialism as a movement met with serious setbacks, capitalism developed into a stage of “relative prosperity”. However, due to its nature and its deep-rooted contradictions, capitalism is doomed to fail. Socialism that has displayed innate superiority as in the economic success of China will finally prevail.
Journal of Yuxi Normal University