“天下为公”、“等级预定”和“德性平等” ,是形成儒家政治模式最基本的三大要素。“天下为公”代表了儒家学者对天下万物归属特性的体认 ;“等级预定”体现了他们对社会整体结构的认识 ;“德性平等”则是儒家学者对人之特性的把握。这三者之间有着内在的逻辑 :“天”观念是儒家学者的终极信仰和力量源泉 ,唯天是从是他们深信不疑的自然法则 ,由此产生的“天下为公”观念必然导致在政治领域对血缘亲情的排斥 ,使社会等级在形式上向所有人敞开 ,从而儒家学者认为打破血缘等级政治观念要以承认天赋“等级预定”为条件 ,“德性平等”则是实现儒家政治平等最有效的手段。
“a world for all”, “predetermined ranks”, and “moral equality” are the three major components of the Confucian political mode. “A world for all” embodied their understanding of the end aim of the world; “Predetermined ranks” , of the social structure; and “moral quality”, of the human character. TIAN was their ultimate belief, their law, and their force. Thus, “a world for all” would exclude the blood ties so that social ladder might be open to all. “Moral equality” was the effective means of political equa...
Journal of Yuxi Normal University