目的 探讨对老年性睑内翻采用眼轮匝肌缩短术的治疗效果。方法 常规眼睑皮肤消毒、辅巾、麻醉 ,按切开线切开皮肤 ,分离皮下组织 ,暴露出眼轮匝肌并进行分离 ,切除 3~ 6mm长眼轮匝肌 ,剪除多余的眼睑皮肤 ,切口缝合术毕。结果 4 6例老年性睑内翻患者经眼轮匝肌缩短矫正术后 ,均获一次性成功 ,经随访无复发。结论 采用眼轮匝肌缩短术矫正老年性睑内翻 ,方法简单 ,疗效可靠。
Objective To obseve the effect of Blepharosphincterectomy for treatment of senile blepharelosis.Methods With routine disinfection of eyelids and anesthesia,skin was incised and substanous tissues were separated,then orbicular muscle of eye appeared and was peparated.Afterwards 3~6 mm orbicular muscle was removed with uncessary skin removal.Finally incision was sutured.Results Operations in 46 such cases were successful on the first run with no relapse.Conclusion Blepharosphincterectomy is a simple metho...