文章通过美国 HESSI 卫星在振动试验时因严重过试验而损坏的事故,详细介绍了过试验的原因、调查过程和应吸取的教训。通过调查发现振动台的一个支承轴承损坏,导致振动台位置移动并引起滑台和基础之间的失调,从而产生二者之间的磨擦。计算机感知该磨擦后计算出了一个不正确的驱动信号,使产生的脉冲大大高于预计值而损坏了卫星。
The paper gives an report on the U.S.satellite HESSI mishap during vibration test due to severe overtest.The paper details the cause of the overtest,the investigation process and the lesson learned.During the investigation engineers found a support bearing of the shaker broke which shifted the position of the shaker mechanism causing the misalignment between the slip table and the granite mass,and this misalignment in turn created friction between the two pieces of hardware. The computer,sensing this fricti...
Spacecraft Environment Engineering