文章从实验和理论两方面研究了两个太阳电池阵样品在氩等离子体中的电弧放电现象和串弧现象.在很宽的等离子体参数范围内,测量了太阳电池阵样品的 I-V 曲线、电弧和串弧的起始电压以及放电速率.实验结果对于理解电弧放电诱发机理有重要的参考价值.
In this report,results are presented of an experimental and theoretical study of arc phenomena and snapover for two samples of solar arrays immersed in argon plasma.The effects of arcing and snapover are investigated.Ⅰ-Ⅴ curves are measured,and arc and inception voltages and arc rates are determined within the wide range of plasma parameters.The results obtained seem to be important for the understanding of arc inception mechanism.
Spacecraft Environment Engineering